Category Archives: end of life doula

End of life doula

I completed the Preparing the Way 4 Day End of Doula Training Intensive (all on zoom) in September 2022 and have received my certificate ♡ proud to have completed the training with 8 beautiful people from various places in Australia who will embark on their own end of life doula journey 🙂 during the training on day 1 I had to create a basic message to share with others when I met them & they asked what it was I do in this role. I don’t know it off by heart but if I met you in the street you’d get pretty similar words and description. ‘Hi I’m Debbie & I am an End of Life Doula. I support people with a life limiting illness, in their desire to voice their choices as they transition to their end of the life by means of holding space, while supporting and honouring them on their journey – before, during and after death.’ It is a career that I would like to pursue but am yet to find a way to get my foot in the door of being an end of life doula. In this journey I will be honouring Jacob as I’ve learned a lot about end of life since his passing and I think with what I know now we could have given him a much better send off.

One Friday in May last year my nephew & I were interviewed at my house in the space where Jacob took his last breath (our family room) for a promotional video for Shellharbour Council about helping to get people to have those conversations that make you feel uncomfortable – end of life. Death topics shouldn’t be taboo anymore. We spoke from the heart our experience of Jacob’s passing, not trying to glorify it but sharing to others how you can make a difference in the last months or moments of a loved one’s life. We celebrate life’s beginnings so why shouldn’t we celebrate life’s end cause we don’t get out of here alive. I had the privilege of witnessing his first breath & last (parents should never outlive their children) I will share it once it’s finished in production. Jacob was there in spirit as the camera guy had difficulties with sound & his microphone & we all laughed saying that it was Jacob playing a game with us ♡ knowing his love of making videos & movies. The promotional video we created can be another one of his legacies. You can take a look at the video here aptly called Jacob’s Story ❤️